The Control Panel Pro is designed to be a single room controller for reliability and ease-of-use. The Control Panel Pro supports up to 50 sensors and up to 50 separate control modules. Multiple sub-zones can be created within the single grow space by linking a specific sensor, to a specific control function(s). The new 4-in-1 sensor comes with a LCD screen which provide the ease of onside monitoring.
Each of the variables (Temperature, Humidity, CO2, Light) can be controlled independently, meaning a customized ramp-up/down can be used to closely simulate natural outdoor conditions, or simply allow complete customization of the environment. Displayed on an easy-to-read and construct “graph” it allows the user to have 100% control of their environment. Another powerful feature of the Control Panel Pro is the built-in calendar and calendar presets that allows the user to schedule an entire crop’s “recipe”. All settings can be specified by the user as they “build” their multi-week crop schedules. Reminders can also be programmed to ensure critical tasks are not forgotten.
The web-based software provides easy access and more advanced remote control. Onboard data acquisition and the ability to store and share setting between multiple devices, means that user-defined programs & settings can be saved and loaded into multiple Control Panel Pro units with ease. A personalized screensaver page can be uploaded through a USB port.